Wednesday Night Run
Runners usually run between 2-10 miles with an average of 3-5. There is usually a happy hour gathering afterwards at a nearby establishment.
For the most up to date locations and start times please find us on Facebook or check the calendar below where we update our members with most current information.
Saturday Morning Run
The Saturday Morning Run is an all purpose run starting at 7:00am
Runners usually run between 2-20 miles, ranging from basic fitness and fun to hardcore marathon training. You can usually find someone that will run your pace or distance to help the miles go by!
The Olathe Running Club was founded in 1980 by a small group of Olatheans who were interested in promoting fitness at a local level.
Olathe Running Club is a public service organization registered in the state of Kansas as a nonprofit corporation. Affiliated with Road Runners Club of America, ORC is qualified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity. Olathe Running Club focuses on preventing illness by helping people begin and/or maintain a recreational activity which leads to a healthier lifestyle with proven health benefits.
More Information
Worried you can't keep up with the pack? Don't be. The Olathe Running Club offers programs for all skill sets from walkers to full marathoners and beyond. We welcome runners from the entire Johnson County area. Club members include beginners as well as those that win their age group in local races.
We keep the runs short (3-6mi) and keep the pace easy. We will try to have water, cups, and more available to support you. You are welcome to eat together with us afterwards (refueling is important!) and talk about running.
If you are training toward a specific goal, distance or time and need a more intense, longer work out or specific training, we encourage you to participate in our marathon/half marathon training program(s).